About the blog

 This is a sister blog to an existing blog. But without the baggage of identity that the older blog carries. I have no clue what all I dare to ponder and scribble here. Maybe thoughts on people and things I love, I hate and am largely indifferent to! Maybe my escapades in life. Well, a saunterer rarely escapes, she is too slow to stage a swift escape or maybe those slow moments in themselves are her escape?

 As one grows older, one is not her younger self. While time has left its scars, I guess life in me has grown more wilder and less careful. I have come to love some of my (supposed) flaws and sport them on my shoulder unlike my guarded younger self. While I continue to be a risk averse girl who still shivers as she stands at the edge of tall structures, the spirit in me has chosen to take the fall. For though skeptic, my soul seems to believe that a free fall is the only way one can fly!

